Where did you grow up? Bogota, Colombia. What are your responsibilities or roles in your department? My role is Prop Master, a part of the Property Department, AKA the Prop Department. I am in charge of sourcing,
handling, and sometimes creating the scripted and non-scripted physical objects the actors on a project interact with. What made you want to work in your department? To me, Props are like characters without a story,
by themselves they can be seen as just stuff.
The right Prop becomes part of the story, it’s
a beautiful thing.

Which films inspired you to go into film and television?
Eternal Sunshine Of a Spotless Mind, 8 1/2, Leon The Professional, La Estrategia del Caracol, 2001 a Space Odyssey, Big Trouble in Chinatown, I could go on…
What has been your favorite project to work on?
My favorite projects are the ones where I experience new things and make new friends.

How did you get into the industry? A friend called me one day and said, “You like film stuff, right?” I was then introduced to my mentor Russ Griffith who taught me about working in the industry. What are you working on these days? Happy to say that I am working on personal project. I’m about to release a music video for a Colombian band by the name of Pepe
Bocadillo, the song is called Tiempos Violentos. What advice would you give someone starting out in this industry? Take advantage and absorb everything that is being taught to you, especially when you don’t have bigger responsibilities yet. Ask questions and take time to find out where you want to be. Website: www.freddypelaez.com
Instagram: @freddypelaez